Africa is a continent endued with immense natural and human resources.  We don’t have a problem of lack of resources, but a shortfall of processes that turn resources into value, so as to meet the needs of the people.

The resources that are supposed to be translated into value are in the hands of dysfunctional leadership that manipulate systems for personal gain. The taxpayer money for example, ends up in corrupt pockets while it should be used to fund development projects that contribute to economic growth. Our problem is not lack of resources, but misuse of it. The resources needed to eradicate poverty in Africa are in the region, not outside. What we need now is develop strategies and mechanisms that will harness these resources.

Africa’s development path can only be formulated through the wisdom of He that framed the world. We cannot shape the world without consulting with the one who made all things. God owns the earth and everything that exists is solely His; we are simply stewards for Him. Yet many of the current African leaders are running regions as if they are their own personal property. They should realize that they are stewards and must be fully accountable.

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